Friday / March 28.
HomeKatusa Investment InsightsFrancis Just Dropped a Bombshell…

Francis Just Dropped a Bombshell…

Dear Reader,Just 30 miles East of Yellowknife is a lithium asset attracting attention.“Project Yellowknife” is home to what I and my interview guest today believes is a 100 million tonne lithium deposit.Now, what does that size mean?We’ve modelled that internally to be like a 10-12-million-ounce gold project.Which would make it top 5 in North America.The potential of this deposit is to produce a critical mineral that’s now labeled by the White House website as:

Badly needed for so many American products, we were in so desperate need of… without these minerals, we simply cannot function.”

This interview is with Francis MacDonald, the CEO of my #1 lithium stock holding, Li-FT Power Corp (LIFT.TSXV | LIFFF.USOTC).Make no mistake…I own a lot of shares as do members of Katusa Research and think this company goes a lot higher from here. So, I’m fully biased.

And it’s not just catching the attention of us here at KR…

Various brokerage and investment banks have target prices much, much higher than where the stock is trading today.**The value proposition has me salivating, and it’s why I’ve accumulated over $1M worth of shares.Just take a look at LiFT Power compared to its peers:

Translating this picture means this: We won’t have to wait long for the truth machine to go live…Li-FT expects the Maiden Resource Estimate to come out by September this year.And if they continue to hit grades between 1-2% lithium like they’re consistently doing, we might not have to wait until September to see dramatic results.

Here’s the Fast-Moving Lithium Market in 3 quick hits…

  1. China is one of the only places in the world that can produce AND refine lithium.
  1. The US is looking to build its own supply chain and not be dependent on China for its battery supply chain as EV sales rocket higher year over year.
  1. Major Oil companies, mining companies, billionaires, Car companies, tech companies, and major mining companies are scooping up lithium deposits and assets left right, and center.

In fact, some lithium assets were recently acquired for major money ($1.6 Billion), WITHOUT even proving up a resource.Francis and I go into detail about Li-FT’s Yellowknife Project and its potential.I’ve waited a year to stake my position in this company and it’s coming close to some major catalysts that have my team and I excited.In this short interview you’ll learn:

  • Who’s sniffing around the project (Hint, they have deep pockets and big interest) at 2:21.
  • What the base case and high case share value is based on analysis and estimate (Hint: higher than current prices) at 3:21.
  • What I think the incredible asset value is worth using current low lithium prices right now, nevermind if prices move higher at 8:15.
  • The SIGNIFICANT tax advantage the company has as geopolitical leverage.
  • Details on the large lithium fund that’s backing Li-FT in a big way (and deep pockets) at 16:47.

Do not miss this interview with Li-FT Power CEO Francis MacDonald.If you’re interested in the lithium sector, click on the link below:

Watch the Full Interview Here

Regards,Marin Katusa**Note: Consensus-published analyst’s prices can be found in the public domain at MarketScreener.


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