Tuesday / February 25.
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Gold Stock DOUBLE BUMP Coming

Gold Stock DOUBLE BUMP Coming

A couple of weeks ago, I went out for dinner with the CEO of a gold royalty company.

He lowered his voice, leaned across the table…

…and told me something you almost never hear from someone in his position:

“Marin, this is going up multiples.”

There are no guarantees, but I think he’s right…

The ink wasn’t even dry on their last deal before they put out more news.

In short, they are a commando team…

I have never seen, ever in my career, a management team execute with this much precision and efficiency.

But that’s what happens when the best executives in mining, who have skin in the game…

Are backed by the most successful and experienced billionaires in the sector execute their business plan.

Second, they are nowhere near done with their business plan. This is getting exciting as a shareholder.

Thirdly, this one gold stock (that I will reveal tomorrow)… Is going to experience what is called the “Double Bump”.

That is when the big index funds must buy the stock and the shares of the company get re-rated to its inherent and peer valuations.

And everyone has a chance to become an investor at the same price as the richest gold investors in the world who have signed 3-year lock-ups on their shares.

Why would the billionaires sign such a contract?

Because they see the share price going a lot higher and it’s a move to show management their commitment to the deal. Talk about de-risked.

  • The biggest names in the gold sector (which I’ll reveal tomorrow) have done the due diligence and have made large financial investments.

Now you get a chance to see what the best in the business get to see.

The “Double Bump”

There are the two words this one gold stock has that NO ONE ELSE has.

Here’s how the double bump works…

It implies the stock will get a re-rating, meaning the share price is expected to go higher, as explained to me by a billionaire investor and shareholder in the company.

One gold titan who is a shareholder revealed something incredible…

  • “I want a double bump. I don’t want to cash out. I’ve got enough money. I want to see the potential for a re-rate.”

When insiders don’t want to cash out… and they tell you it’s going up multiples… and they’re executing with lightning speed… pay very close attention.

They know exactly what’s going on.

You should too.

It will be your first-ever opportunity to see the full details of a company behind the KRO paywall.

So, watch your inbox first thing tomorrow morning.

And fasten your seatbelts.


Marin Katusa
Founder, Katusa Research

Details and Disclosures

Katusa Research, Marin Katusa and its directors, employees and members of their households directly own shares of the following Companies which are described in this publication – Gold Royalty Corp (GROY.NYSE). Therefore, Katusa Research is extremely biased. All publications of Katusa Research represent only the opinion of the respective authors and not of the company. Gold Royalty Corp did not review this report or articles. The information in the publications of Katusa Research do not replace and are not to be taken as individual needs geared professional investment advice and is for informational purposes only.

This report and information is neither explicitly nor implicitly to be understood as guarantee of a particular price development of the mentioned financial instruments or as a trading invitation. Every investment in securities mentioned in publications of Katusa Research involve risks which could lead to a total loss of the invested capital and—depending on the investment—to further obligations for example additional payment liabilities.Katusa Research does not guarantee that any of the companies mentioned in this newsletter will perform as we expect, and any comparisons we have made to other companies may not be valid or come into effect. All information published in publications from Katusa Research is based on public filings and news releases.