Friday / March 28.
HomeThe Colder War
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The Colder War

A massive geopolitical power shift to Russia and China
that went almost unnoticed across the globe.

In The Colder War, Marin Katusa takes a look at the ways the western world is losing control of the energy markets, and what can be done about it.

There are few more important questions to the future of Western economies than the fate of the petrodollar and direction of the energy trade. Marin Katusa’s book tells the story of raging battles in the least covered and misunderstood war of our time. A war that is already starting to redraw the world’s map. Marin is an intense individual and has structured mining and energy deals the world over.

Ian Telfer Chairman of Goldcorp, Director of Renaissance Oil Corp.


The Colder War provides a reversing contrast from the hysterical “Putin is Stalin, Jr., restart the Cold War” message emanating from the neocon think tanks and the mainstream media. Marin Katusa shows the real threat to the American people…

Dr. Ron Paul Former US Congressman, founder of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity


In this book, the difficult realities of The Colder War and the serious quest for energy security are set forth in a well written and thoughtful manner. The global race for security provided by civil nuclear energy is happening now and the western world may be in the process of losing. Marin Katusa’s detailed account of the geopolitical race to control resources is an insightful page turner.

Lady Barbara Judge Chairman Emeritus UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA)

Purchase your copy of The Colder War on Amazon.