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HomeKatusa Investment InsightsThe Debate 10 Years in the Making

The Debate 10 Years in the Making

When two alpha’s in finance lock horns over a major thesis, you know things are going to get interesting and intense.Your entertainment is guaranteed. Especially when both are willing to do so being recorded live.The debate topic is simple:

  • One believes it’s the End of America.
  • The other believes in the Rise of America.

For over 15 years, Porter Stansberry and I have gone head-to-head on many matters.Neither of us hold back.Neither are afraid to share our opinions.But we are both willing to put money behind our research. It’s what we do, it’s who we are.Porter comes with well-researched data, has built a billion-dollar business and is an incredible mind when it comes to writing and finance.Although I respect Porter’s accomplishments, I also come with well-researched data, have been part of the creation of multiple billion-dollar businesses and have written two bestselling financial books. I don’t fear the accomplished and prepared; in fact, it motivates me.So, when someone pitched the idea of a Porter vs. Marin debate…

End of America vs Rise of America

Both Porter and I thought it would be fun, to go at one another, yet another time.And when I reflect over the last 15 years, whether Porter’s going all in on a poker game against me, golf course, or on an investment conference stage; we always have fun and always entertain.But there has been one consistent pattern: The same guy has always found a way to win—because that’s what winners do: they win.I’ve always admired his ability to back his views with hard facts in his articulate, reasoned, and persuasive style. Porter is a much better public speaker than I am.And I trust you will enjoy this debate, because I did.

Why you will want to watch this debate…

Porter, who’s been vocal about the “End of America” and I, the optimistic believer in the “The Rise of America,” go head-to-head in a debate that’s as personal as it is enlightening.Our contrasting views, combined with their shared history, make this a must-watch for every reader of Katusa’s Investment Insights.In this rare debate, you’ll hear:

  • Why Porter believes America’s cultural and economic decline is inevitable.
  • Marin’s three pillars that predict America’s rise to even greater heights.
  • The Taiwan situation: A potential flashpoint or just a strategic game?
  • How the US Dollar’s trajectory could shape global politics and investments.
  • Personal anecdotes, including old wagers, that add a touch of humor and humanity to the debate.

This isn’t just another interview; it’s a front-row seat to a dynamic discussion between two old friends with world-class expertise.It’s the End of America (Stansberry) vs Rise of America (Katusa) debate.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Regards,Marin Katusa


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