Nothing makes me happier than the math guys getting attention – except, of course, when the math is wrong.
Gold wasn’t the only thing that set a new all-time high this year. Bitcoin managed the same, punching its way back up to set a new record high of its own at $19,850.
Then the generalist funds were quick to move and locked in their gains in gold stocks post vaccine news.
There is another motive at play than just chasing big profits, Investing in ESG companies and funds makes you look good.
While candidates ran on different platforms and ideologies, both had one agenda item in common: Spend money, and lots of it.
Maybe other fund managers and newsletter writers have a mystic ability to buy only once and be set. But experience has taught me the best results have been from buying in tranches.
In such volatile times, let’s see if gold is whispering anything to us.
The Alchemist’s History on Hard Money: The actual scientific chemical reasons that separate gold from all of the other metals on the periodic table.
The virus is going to leave a much longer lasting impact on oil demand than just this year’s downturn.