Tuesday / March 18.
HomeResearch (Page 30)

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You’re probably starting to figure it out by now: the system is rigged. And it isn’t in your favor. Because this isn’t tax evasion. There’s nothing illegal about it. It’s perfectly legal tax avoidance.

The people that say the central banks are out of bullets, I think, come on guys, these guys are the greatest magicians in history.

If you are a novice investor to the resource space, there are two names that you absolutely need to know.

Gold and silver stocks are highly levered to the price of the underlying metal. Let me explain some items that need to be on your resource stock cheat sheet…

Like it or not, governments now play a major role in determining who has access to and who can use capital. In a sense, they have positioned themselves in the center of the capital allocation chessboard.

The rare-earth elements (REEs) sector could become one of the most sought after, highly competitive marketplaces in the world.

In 1993, with no expertise, he forayed into the silver industry with only $10,000 and put it all on silver options.

When a stock trades very little or no volume, the stock becomes illiquid. An illiquid stock can trap a shareholder for days, months, or even years before you can sell your position.