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HomeResearchGoldThree Big Ideas to Make a Fortune in 2019 – And Your VIP Invite

Three Big Ideas to Make a Fortune in 2019 – And Your VIP Invite

2019 sparkle

Editor’s note: In today’s year end issue, you’ll find three big investment ideas we wrote about in 2018. But this is no bland “retrospective” list. These ideas could make you a fortune in 2019 and beyond. We hope you and your family have a great holiday season and wish you a healthy and prosperous New Year.

Idea #1: The Commonwealth Takeover and Rise of Gold Stocks

Gold is up 8% in the last 6 months and many gold stocks – especially Australian companies – are up hundreds of percent.

For the first time in two decades of keeping track, Australian mining financings have been greater than the Canadian mining financings on the TSX/TSXV.

Many Australian gold stocks are on a tear because of the currency exchange. Over the past few years, the Australian dollar has depreciated significantly relative to the U.S. dollar. This created a windfall for Australian gold producers, who have seen domestic gold prices rise faster than domestic production costs. The result was a huge increase in free cash flow for the Aussies.

We can see several Australian gold producers look to takeover some of their weaker Canadian counterparts. It could become a buying frenzy. Now is the time for them to go shopping – read the full story here.

With Gold knocking on the door to $1,300 and beyond in these volatile markets, 2019 could be the springboard year gold speculators have been waiting for. Marin has millions of dollars invested in the sector and is placing big bets on a handful of companies.

Idea #2: Betting on the Hottest Metal Over the Past 3 Years – Vanadium

Vanadium was one of the best performing metals of 2018. And Vanadium stocks caught a bid and hit the primetime, appearing on the radar of investors and speculators alike.

Vanadium has incredible properties which increase the strength of alloys containing it, such as rebar which is heavily used in construction. China has just raised their steel rebar limits. And Vanadium is also used in everything from jet engines to dental implants.

Here’s everything you need to know about Vanadium – full writeup here.

Note – On January 2nd, 2019 Marin and his team will publish the next issue of Katusa’s Resource Opportunities where he will reveal a brand-new Vanadium speculation. You won’t find this company on any stock screen or hear about it anywhere else. Paid subscribers will be among the very first to hear about it – Click Here to subscribe to Katusa’s Resource Opportunities.

Idea #3 – The Uranium Sector has all the Hallmarks of a Perfect Setup for a Contrarian Investor

Uranium is hated. It’s cheap. It’s out of favor.

For the past few years, uranium mines have been shutting down all over the world. Earlier this year, Cameco’s Key Lake and McArthur River mines shut down. They are two of the lowest cost, highest grade producing mines in the world.

Cameco even came out on July 25th and extended the McArthur River shut down. Think about that for a second.

If an operating mine that happens to be one of the highest grade and largest mines in the world cannot break even, then either the price of the commodity is too low, or the world doesn’t need the commodity anymore. The built and operating nuclear reactors negate the latter. So, we can all agree that the price of uranium is too low to produce.

Marin recently gathered Doug Casey, Frank Curzio, Rick Rule, Grant Williams, the former U.S. Secretary of Energy – who are invested heavily in the uranium sector – and another special guest together for an interview.

The end result was a webinar that goes into great detail on why many big investors are betting big on uranium stocks today – click here to watch a replay of the webinar.

Bonus Idea: How to Acquire the Most Powerful, Most Valuable Commodity of All – Your Exclusive Invite

If you’ve invested in resources for some time, you know we can’t overstate the importance of getting the best information before others. Information is the most powerful, most valuable commodity in the world.

Knowing the right people and getting the right information is how Marin made a 1,450% gain in Ryan Gold…. 4,160% gains in Prophecy Resources… 2,440% gains in Lithium One… and 1,852% gains in Uranium Energy Corp.

And of course, it’s how he made a 1,000%+ gain in Northern Dynasty.

We bring all this up because one of the ULTIMATE ways to gather the best investment information in the world – the 2019 Vancouver Resource Investment Conference – is just around the corner.

It’s being held on January 20th and 21st at the Vancouver Convention Centre West.

As you may know, Marin finds this conference so valuable that he partnered with Cambridge House International to co-produce it. He personally makes sure this conference has great speakers and thinkers like Frank Holmes, Rex Murphy, Nick Hodge, Brent Cook, Nolan Watson, Frank Curzio and more.

To all readers, here’s to a healthy and prosperous 2019!


The Katusa Research Team